The „Center for Wind and Earthquake Engineering“ (CWE) combines and guides the interdisciplinary teaching and research activities at the RWTH Aachen University in the fields of Wind and Earthquake Engineering. Through the involved institutes the CWE offers an excellent and longstanding expertise in structural dynamics and runs comprehensive efficient and highly specialised testing facilities.
- The CWE will host the WTG meeting 2023
- CWE Workshop “Advanced modeling of stochastic Wind Effects and Vibrations”
- Presentation of results from the project “Improved wind and ice loads for steel facade elements”
- [!NEW DATE! The Conference has been postponed to 2021.] 1th – 2th March, 2021, 2nd International online Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities.
- The CWE Nanay Bridge covers the front page of RWTHinsight