
The Center for Wind and Earthquake Engineering (CWE) creates new opportunities of interdisciplinary research activities at the RWTH Aachen University in the fields of Wind and Earthquake Engineering. The combination of these fields of work, which are related in several respects, allow synergistic effects and new opportunities in basic research as well as fundamental research and development projects.

The scientific and organizational responsibility for the planning and execution of the CWE’s activities holds the executive board, which is composed of the heads of the participating institutes as well as renowned experts. The joint research activities are coordinated by two managing directors from the fields of research of Wind and Earthquake Engineering.

The centre is conducted by the following three institutes and is complemented through other associated partners within and outside the university.


Lehrstuhl und Institut für Stahlbau, LeichtmetallbauIfS



Lehrstuhl für Baustatik und Baudynamiklbb



Lehrstuhl und Institut für MassivbauIMB