Funding: Industry – continuing

MINEA-R: Software for the seismic dimensioning of masonry structures

Since more than 10 years the Chair of Structural Analysis and Dynamics is developing the software MINEA-R for the seismic dimensioning of masonry structures. The software enables the user to accomplish the proof of stability of masonry structures and masonry composite structures due to vertical loads and horizontal seismic and wind loads in a quick and efficient way.



Depending on the individual requirements of the analysed object MINEA-R provides two- or three-dimensional modelling of the structure. Additionally, a nonlinear static procedure according to DIN EN 1998 is implemented into the program MINEA-R. This procedure allows to consider the nonlinear deformation characteristics of masonry structures under seismic conditions in their design.

Currently the program is being extended to cover filled-in masonry constructions and procedures for the multimodal adaptive pushover-calculation are being developed and implemented. The program is used at many universities for research purposes and it is commercially available under www.minea-design.com.