- Behaviour of reinforced concrete frames with decoupled masonry infill and openings under seismic effects
- New approaches for the realistic design of masonry structures under horizontal loads
- ROBUST – User-oriented earthquake early warning system with intelligent sensor systems and digital building models
- SPIF: Seismic performance of multi-component systems in special risk industrial facilities
- SHAB: Seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings
- SEDHT-Tank: Seismic design of high temperature tanks
- CONSTRUCT: Master of Science in Structural Engineering and Risk Management of Industrial Facilities
- ISDEC-MAS: Improved seismic design concepts for masonry structures in Germany
- MINEA-R: Software development for the seismic design of masonry structures
- ELADES: Impact of eccentric axial loading at the wall-slab-joint on the shear resistance of monolithic load-bearing clay brick masonry walls
- DatA ESPerT (Database Analysis for Evaluation of Seismic Performance Assessment Tools)
- AIMS: Seismic Testing of Adjacent Interacting Masonry Structures
- Development of an innovative approach for decoupling infills and non load-bearing masonry walls from the main structure